Firewise USA

Be a part of the solution…. Become a Firewise community!
Firewise Communities / USA is a national program sponsored by the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA). Initiated at the grass roots level, the program empowers homeowners to help protect their neighborhood.
The Firewise USA Program encourages local solutions for safety by involving homeowners in taking individual responsibility for preparing their homes from the risk of wildfire. The program provides resources to help homeowners learn how to adapt to living with wildfire while encouraging and empowering neighbors to work together to take action now to reduce their wildfire risk and prevent losses. Join the growing network of more than 1,500 recognized Firewise communities taking action and ownership in preparing and protecting their homes against the threat of wildfire.
Firewise USA is a voluntary program for communities interested in fire safety and disaster preparation. By committing to being “Firewise,” communities can reduce the risk of fire damage, learn about wildfires, adopt action plans, build relationships, and earn grant approval for disaster assistance.
Let us show you the steps to become a Firewise Community. For help in getting started contact Karen Caldwell, You can also visit the Firewise Communities / USA website, to find out more about the program and how to begin the assessment process. Many more great resources for your community can be found at the Ready For Wildfire website from Cal Fire.
The Firewise USA® program is co-sponsored by the USDA Forest Service, the U.S. Department of the Interior, and the National Association of State Foresters.