Firewise Community Activities

Firewise Coordination Meetings
There are currently (as of May 26, 2022) 14 approved Firewise Communities in Tuolumne County. On March 26, representatives from these communities came together to coordinate, share, and celebrate their accomplishments. The exchange of information and learnings was greatly appreciated, and it was soon agreed that continued coordination between the various Firewise Communities was of high value and will be continued. A second meeting was held on May 14 where a small working group was established to explore fundraising opportunities.
Wildwood Firewise Community
Yesterday (June 18, 2022) we had our first neighborhood Firewise cleanup! A group of 11 worked from 9 to 11:30 and cleared 25 cubic yards of debris, downed trees, and branches from the easement along Wildwood and Shadybrook (Twain Harte). Thanks to Jay and Julianna for use of their dump trailer which made quick and easy work. Thanks to everyone who came and made it a great time for all!
Comstock Ranch Firewise Community
April/May held 2 Chipper Days. Lots and lots of slash chipped. 8 residents participating. Chipper rental was $325. Fuel was $123. Costs divided by 8 equals $56.25 per household. Great cooperative effort yet again with some significant fuel removal to boot.
Cedarview Firewise Community
Firewise Cedarview came together on May 7th, the NFPA Wildfire Preparedness Day. What a day we had. Over 20 yards went to the slash pile. 5 chainsaws going, at least 12 people helping. Some put in a full 8-hour day.
Sonora Hills/Dragoon Gulch Firewise Community
On Saturday, April 23rd a group of students from the Columbia College and Summerville High School “Climate Stewardship” classes visited Sonora Knolls Firewise Community to learn about the Firewise Community and fuel reduction efforts. After a tour of the Community, they worked on a fire clearance project on Springhill Rd. to improve the primary evacuation route by brushing and removing fuels. The Sonora City Road department cleaned up and removed the slash. Thanks to Julie Johnson for organizing this event. Special thanks to teacher, Lisa Murphy, from the Forestry and Natural Resource Department at Columbia College for offering their services and for teaching the importance of fire preparedness.

Twain Harte Heights Firewise Community
On May 7th, nine neighbors got together to tackle areas that needed some thinning and clearing. We started at 9am and worked until noon. There were five properties that we worked on – three were within our Firewise Neighborhood and one was a property that is adjacent. Our focus on two of the properties was to thin the vegetation along the street. The other two properties, we limbed up and removed trees and raked pine needles. The last property, we helped carry down to the curb vegetation that the homeowner had already cut.